
Summer Holidy in Southern France (V): Coast 带着俩娃游南法 (实时报道第六第七天): 马赛的海岸

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown The most famous island in Marseille is If owing to Alexandre Dumas’ adventure novel The Count of Monte Cristo. I would like to pay a one-day visit to this island, but the kids had no interest. They were more interested in the transportation than the destination. I guess that is the difference between adults and kids. Finally we decided to take a cruise to see the coast and islands.

Summer Holidy in Southern France (IV): Marseille 带着俩娃游南法 (实时报道第四第五天): 马赛

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown Previously on Summer Holiday in Southern France (带着俩娃游南法 前情回顾): Day 1: Nice (第一天:尼斯) Day 2: Monaco (第二天:摩纳哥) Day 3: Cannes (第三天:戛纳) On the fourth day we checked out of our family apartment in the morning. As our train from Nice to Marseille was about to set off in the afternoon, we still had some time to see something in Nice.

Summer Holidy in Southern France (III): Cannes 带着俩娃游南法 (实时报道第三天): 戛纳

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown This is a real-time journal of my summer holiday in southern France. 来自南部法国夏日假期的实时报道。 Previously on Summer Holiday in Southern France (带着俩娃游南法 前情回顾): Day 1: Nice (第一天:尼斯) Day 2: Monaco (第二天:摩纳哥) In the previous post I mentioned that I had been confused with Monaco and Morocco. It was not the only case. Besides, I had been confused with Cannes and Ghana as well because of the confusing translations in Chinese.

Summer Holidy in Southern France (II): Monaco 带着俩娃游南法 (2): 摩纳哥

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown Previously on Summer Holiday in Southern France: > Day 1: Nice 带着俩娃游南法 前情回顾: 第1天: 尼斯 To save money, we booked a family hotel in Nice at a relatively low price: 110 Euro per day. It was cheap for some reasons. The hotel was located close to the railway station. There was a bar nearby and we could hear people talking and laughing loudly at midnight.

Summer Holidy in Southern France (I): Nice 带着俩娃游南法 (1):尼斯

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown Hi everyone. I am now in Southern France for a summer holiday with my family. This is a real time report about this trip. — Well, maybe not that real, ‘cause I got no time to write anything until now! 这几天,全家带着俩娃去南部法国度假,这里是我的现场实时报道。这次旅行我原本是不太赞同的,带着两个孩子,大人肯定不会尽兴,而对孩子来说也许还不如去门口的儿童乐园玩得开心。然而,媳妇觉得应该趁暑假多带孩子出去看看,增加一些阅历,同时增加一些开学后跟同学之间的谈资。再说,如果将来回了国,再来玩就更费事了。于是,媳妇就张罗了这一次的暑期南法游。 带着俩娃游南法,到底是休闲还是受罪?我们拭目以待。 Day 1. Nice 尼斯 We started off in Innsbruck with a flight to Frankfurt, and then transfered to another flight to Nice.

The biggest flower parade in Austria 奥地利的八月:若待上林花似锦,出门俱是看花人

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown August the first today. A great event is about to happen this month: the biggest flower parade in Austria. Both Germans and Austrians love flowers. They speak the same language. They share similar life styles. The difference is, Germany plays football and Austria plays music. Germany is famous for his industry and Austria is famous for her beauty. They are boy and girl, husband and wife.

Greek Holiday (Part 2) 希腊假日(2)

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown To celebrate the fifth anniversary of our wedding, we had an eight-day holiday in Greece. We were in Athens from Day 1 to Day 3, in Santorini from Day 4 to Day 8. In the previous post, some pictures taken in Athens were displayed. In this post, you can see some pictures taken in Sontorini. Other pictures are coming soon. Day 4: Arrival at Sontorini.

Greek Holiday (Part I) 希腊假日(1)

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown To celebrate the fifth anniversary of our wedding, we had an eight-day holiday in Greece. We were in Athens from Day 1 to Day 3, in Santorini from Day 4 to Day 8. In this post, you can see some pictures taken in Athens. Other pictures are coming soon. 作为结婚五周年庆典的旅游高潮,我们安排了希腊八日游。 It was my wife rather than me who managed the trip successfully. It was she who made the schedule, booked the tickets and hotels.

One day in Seoul 首尔一日游,仿佛在北京

原文链接: steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, markdown After meeting an old friend of mine in Seoul, I had a one-day trip. European and American people learn Asian culture from Korea and Japan, which technically originated from China. However, they have to spend time and money on the application for a visa before a visit to China. Instead, it is much easier for them to go to Korea or Japan. They can stay in Korea in three months, and go to Japan for another three-month stay, and come back to Korea, so on and so forth, without any visa application procedure.