该站使用 R ncovr 包进行数据处理和可视化,采用的数据来自BlankerL/DXY-2019-nCoV-Crawler和 JackieZheng/2019-nCoV,省市名称的中英翻译来自 brightgems/china_city_dataset以及 R pinyin 包。该站是 R blogdown 包搭建,采用 HUGO 框架,托管在 GitHub 和 Netlify,利用 Travis-CI 自动化完成。
The new data uses the combination of confirmed and suspected cases for all dates in the model, recalculating the cumulative total for all dates starting at the disease outbreak.
They created a website to provide scientists, journalists and other researchers open access to data from across China on novel coronavirus and daily statistical modeling. “We hope that through the integration of information, we can provide more people with data sharing and fight the epidemic together,” Zou said.
One open-access data model published on Monday by scientists at Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University in eastern Jiangsu province also predicted a sharp decline in new confirmed infections next week before falling close to zero by February 23. However, the researchers warned there were many factors that could influence the model.
“To my knowledge, this is the only such open-access data website for novel coronavirus data that exists in the world,” said Johannes Knops, head of the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences at XJTLU.
健康与环境科学系主任Johannes Knops教授表示,“对于全球需要针对新冠疫情获取研究数据的科研工作者和新闻机构来说,该网站提供了非常有价值的资源。就我所知,这是目前世界上唯一一个关于新冠病毒疫情的开放获取数据网站。”