This function does nothing but collect the shared @para in multiple calculation and plot functions.

mean_calc_df() calculates mean values for a data frame by groups

mean_calc_files() calculates time series of mean values from multiple *_Particle_preprocessed.csv files

dp_break() creates particle diameter groups

dist_calc() calculates the size distribution.

dist_calc_type() calculates the size distribution grouped by type

dist_calc_type_files() calculates the size distribution of multiple ParticleData_preprocessed.csv files

dist_calc_ts() calculates the time series of the distribution

dist_calc_ts_files() calculates the size distribution of multiple ParticleData_preprocessed.csv files

read_csvs() reads multiple csv files with the same column names.

summary_plot_all() plots all the summary data from multiple _summary.csv files in one image.

mean_plot_df() plots the time series of mean values from a dataframe.

mean_plot_files() plots the time series of mean values in multiple "_mean.csv" files

mean_plot_stacked_df() plots a stacked area plot of time series

mean_plot_stacked_files() plots area plots of time series from multiple *_mean.csv files

mean_plot_stacked_all() plots area plots of time series from *_mean.csv files

dist_plot_type() plots the size distribution based on the data calculated by dist_calc_type()

dist_plot_type_files() plots the distribution images from "_Ndist_all.csv" files

dist_plot_ts_df() plots the time series of the distribution

dist_plot_ts_files() plots the distribution time series images from "Ndist_ts_.csv" files

dist_plot_ts_all() plots all the 3D time series of the size distribution from multiple csv. files in one image.

abc_plot_venn_df() plots a Venn diagram for A B C.

abc_plot_venn_df() plots a Venn diagram for A B C.

abc_plot_venn_all() plots area plots of time series from *_mean.csv files

mean_calc_df(dtf, column_names, myfactors, method = "mean", savefile_folder = NA,
    savefile_suffix = "", v_factor = 1)

mean_calc_files(fns, minute_bin, v_factor, myfactors)

dp_break(size_range, size_bin)

dist_calc(size, size_range, size_bin, v_factor = 1, savefile_folder = NA,
    savefile_suffix = "")

dist_calc_type(size, type, size_range, size_bin, v_factor, savefile_folder = NA,
    savefile_suffix = "")

dist_calc_type_files(fns, size_range, size_bin)

dist_calc_ts(size, time, size_range, size_bin, v_factor, savefile_folder = NA,
    savefile_suffix = "")

dist_calc_ts_files(fns, size_range, size_bin, v_factor, minute_bin)

read_csvs(fns, add_id = FALSE)

summary_plot_all(fns, savefile_folder = ".", savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png")

mean_plot_df(dtf, column_names, savefile_folder = NA, savefile_suffix = "",
    image_format = "png")

mean_plot_files(fns, column_names = c("count", "Size_um", "Xe1_FluorPeak_1",
    "Xe1_FluorPeak_2", "Xe2_FluorPeak_2", "Asphericity"), savefile_suffix = "",
    image_format = "png")

mean_plot_stacked_df(dtf, prefix, ylab, savefile_folder = NA, savefile_suffix = "",
    image_format = "png", keyword = c("A", "B", "C", "AB", "AC", "BC", "ABC"))

mean_plot_stacked_files(fns, prefix, ylab, savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png",
    keyword = c("A", "B", "C", "AB", "AC", "BC", "ABC"))

mean_plot_stacked_all(fns, prefix = "count", ylab, savefile_folder = NA,
    savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png", keyword = c("A", "B", "C",
        "AB", "AC", "BC", "ABC"))

dist_plot_type(dtf, savefile_folder = NA, savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png")

dist_plot_type_files(fns, image_format = "png")

dist_plot_ts_df(dtf, savefile_folder = NA, savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png",
    if_legend = TRUE)

dist_plot_ts_files(fns, savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png")

dist_plot_ts_all(fns, ylab, savefile_folder = ".", savefile_suffix = "",
    image_format = "png")

abc_plot_venn_df(dtf, savefile_folder = ".", savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png")

abc_plot_venn_files(fns, image_format = "png")

abc_plot_venn_all(fns, savefile_folder = NA, savefile_suffix = "", image_format = "png")



data frame as input. can be:

  • dist_data, calculated by dist_calc_type() or dist_calc_ts().

  • pdata particle data frame with 'time_binned' and 'type' columns

  • pmean the dataframe of particle mean values. with a column 'time'.


the names of the columns to calcualte or plot.


the names of the columns as groups for tapply calculation. Here it is c('time_binned', 'type').


the function name, such as 'sum' or 'mean'


the folder name for writing the calculated results. if NA, no writing.


the suffix of the data file name, such as minute_bin


air volume within a time bin. if volume involved (method 'sum'), v_factor = minute_bin * flowrate. If the bulk calculation for an entire measurement, v_factor is the total volumn. othewise (method 'mean'), v_factor = 1.



  • For mean_calc_files(), dist_calc_type_files(), dist_calc_ts_files(): The paths of the *_ParticleData_preprocessed.csv files

  • For mean_plot_files(), mean_plot_stacked_files(), mean_plot_stacked_all() : The paths of the *_mean.csv files

  • For dist_plot_type_files(): The paths of the *_Ndist_all.csv files

  • For dist_plot_ts_files(), dist_plot_ts_all(): "Ndist_ts_.csv" files


time bin in minute


the range of Dp


how many bins


vector. the diameter data


vector. aerosol type data


vector. the grouped time (time_binned).


logical. whether add a column of id from the directory name


without '.'


the prefix of the selected column name




keyword for picking out column names


logical. Whether to display legend.


datafame. The number of A, B, C


mean_calc_df() returns a dataframe with the mean values

mean_calc_files() returns files of time series of mean

dp_break() returns a list.

dist_calc() returns a data frame or a file of dN/dlogDp vs Dp.

dist_calc_type() returns a dataframe or a file.

dist_calc_type_files() returns files of dN/dlogDp vs Dp.

dist_calc_ts() returns a datafram of a file.

dist_calc_ts_files() returns files of time series of dN/dlogDp

read_csvs(): a data frame

summary_plot_all(): a summary csv file and a figure file.

mean_plot_df() returns image files.

mean_plot_files() returns image files

mean_plot_stacked_df() returns a figure file.

mean_plot_stacked_files() returns image files.

mean_plot_stacked_all(): image files.

dist_plot_type(): a figure (file).

dist_plot_type_files(): image files.

dist_plot_ts_df(): a figure (file)

dist_plot_ts_files(): image files

dist_plot_ts_all(): a figure file.

abc_plot_venn_df(): a figure file.

abc_plot_venn_df(): a figure file.

abc_plot_venn_all(): image files.