Convert .mm into a .R script
mm2r(filepattern = "*.mm$", path = ".", savefile = TRUE, savefilename = NA, backup = TRUE, heading = " --------")
filepattern | the pattern of the file names |
path | the path of the folder which contains the .Rmd or .md files |
savefile | logical. Whether to save the output as a file. |
savefilename | the destinated file name |
backup | logical. whether backup the existent file |
heading | the indicator of the headings |
a .R script
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class='kw'>pattern</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>\"*.mm$\"</span>, <span class='kw'>path</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>\".\"</span>, <span class='kw'>savefile</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>, <span class='kw'>savefilename</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>\"\"</span>," #> [162] "#' <span class='kw'>backup</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='fl'>TRUE</span>)</pre>" #> [163] "#' " #> [164] "#' <h2 class=\"hasAnchor\" id=\"arguments\"><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"#arguments\"></a>Arguments</h2>" #> [165] "#' <table class=\"ref-arguments\">" #> [166] "#' <colgroup><col class=\"name\" /><col class=\"desc\" /></colgroup>" #> [167] "#' <tr>" #> [168] "#' <th>pattern</th>" #> [169] "#' <td><p>an optional regular expression for filtering the input files. See <code><a href=''>help(dir)</a></code>.</p></td>" #> [170] "#' </tr>" #> [171] "#' <tr>" #> [172] "#' <th>path</th>" #> [173] "#' <td><p>character. The path of the folder which contains the input file(s).</p></td>" #> [174] "#' </tr>" #> [175] "#' <tr>" #> [176] "#' <th>savefile</th>" #> [177] "#' <td><p>logical. Whether to save the output as a markdown file.</p></td>" #> [178] "#' </tr>" #> [179] "#' <tr>" #> [180] "#' <th>savefilename</th>" #> [181] "#' <td><p>character. Valid when savefile == TRUE.</p></td>" #> [182] "#' </tr>" #> [183] "#' <tr>" #> [184] "#' <th>backup</th>" #> [185] "#' <td><p>logical. Whether the existing target file, if any, should be saved as backups.</p></td>" #> [186] "#' </tr>" #> [187] "#' </table>" #> [188] "#' " #> [189] "#' <h2 class=\"hasAnchor\" id=\"value\"><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"#value\"></a>Value</h2>" #> [190] "" #> [191] "#' <p>a vector of strings showing outline of a markdown document or book.</p>" #> [192] "#' " #> [193] "" #> [194] "#' <h2 class=\"hasAnchor\" id=\"examples\"><a class=\"anchor\" href=\"#examples\"></a>Examples</h2>" #> [195] "#' <pre class=\"examples\"><div class='input'><span class='no'>path</span> <span class='kw'><-</span> <span class='fu'><a href=''>system.file</a></span>(<span class='st'>\"examples/mm\"</span>, <span class='kw'>package</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='st'>\"mindr\"</span>)" #> [196] "#' <span class='fu'>mm2md</span>(<span class='kw'>path</span> <span class='kw'>=</span> <span class='no'>path</span>)</div><div class='output co'>#> <span class='message'> was generated!</span></div><div class='output co'>#> [1] \"Title: my title\" " #> [197] "#' #> [2] \"# Introduction \" " #> [198] "#' #> [3] \"## What is 'bookdown' \" " #> [199] "#' #> [4] \"## [What is 'bookdownplus' ](\"" #> [200] "#' #> [5] \"## Why 'bookdownplus' \" " #> [201] "#' #> [6] \"## Giants' Shoulders \" " #> [202] "#' #> [7] \"# Quick Start \" " #> [203] "#' #> [8] \"## Preparation \" " #> [204] "#' #> [9] \"## Installation of 'bookdownplus' \" " #> [205] "#' #> [10] \"## How to use \" " #> [206] "#' #> [11] \"## More output formats\" " #> [207] "#' #> [12] \"## More templates\" " #> [208] "#' #> [13] \"## A magic trick\" " #> [209] "#' #> [14] \"## Recommendations\" " #> [210] "#' #> [15] \"# Basic \" " #> [211] "#' #> [16] \"## Markdown Syntax \" " #> [212] "#' #> [17] \"### What is Markdown \" " #> [213] "#' #> [18] \"### Basic syntax \" " #> [214] "#' #> [19] \"### Chapters \" " #> [215] "#' #> [20] \"### Figures and tables \" " #> [216] "#' #> [21] \"### References \" " #> [217] "#' #> [22] \"### Theorems, lemma, definitions, etc. \" " #> [218] "#' #> [23] \"### Export Word document \" " #> [219] "#' #> [24] \"### Equations numbering \" " #> [220] "#' #> [25] \"## R, RStudio and bookdown \" " #> [221] "#' #> [26] \"## LaTeX and Pandoc \" " #> [222] "#' #> [27] \"## Workflow \" " #> [223] "#' #> [28] \"# Simple \" " #> [224] "#' #> [29] \"# Lifestyle \" " #> [225] "#' #> [30] \"## Journal \" " #> [226] "#' #> [31] \"## Poem book \" " #> [227] "#' #> [32] \"## Music \" " #> [228] "#' #> [33] \"# Office \" " #> [229] "#' #> [34] \"## Mail \" " #> [230] "#' #> [35] \"### Arguments for mail content\" " #> [231] "#' #> [36] \"### Mail themes\" " #> [232] "#' #> [37] \"## Calendar \" " #> [233] "#' #> [38] \"# Academic \" " #> [234] "#' #> [39] \"## Articles \" " #> [235] "#' #> [40] \"## Thesis \" " #> [236] "#' #> [41] \"## Poster \" " #> [237] "#' #> [42] \"## Chemistry \" " #> [238] "#' #> [43] \"# Advanced \" " #> [239] "#' #> [44] \"## Chinese \" " #> [240] "#' #> [45] \"## Mind Map \" " #> [241] "#' #> [46] \"## Create Your Own Templates \" " #> [242] "#' #> [47] \"# FAQ \" " #> [243] "#' #> [48] \"# Bibliography \" </div></pre>" #> [244] "#' </div>" #> [245] "#' <div class=\"col-md-3 hidden-xs hidden-sm\" id=\"sidebar\">" #> [246] "#' <h2>Contents</h2>" #> [247] "#' <ul class=\"nav nav-pills nav-stacked\">" #> [248] "#' <li><a href=\"#arguments\">Arguments</a></li>" #> [249] "#' " #> [250] "#' <li><a href=\"#value\">Value</a></li>" #> [251] "#' " #> [252] "#' <li><a href=\"#examples\">Examples</a></li>" #> [253] "#' </ul>" #> [254] "" #> [255] "#' </div>" #> [256] "#' </div>" #> [257] "" #> [258] "#' <footer>" #> [259] "#' <div class=\"copyright\">" #> [260] "#' <p>Developed by Peng Zhao.</p>" #> [261] "#' </div>" #> [262] "" #> [263] "#' <div class=\"pkgdown\">" #> [264] "#' <p>Site built with <a href=\"\">pkgdown</a> 1.3.0.</p>" #> [265] "#' </div>" #> [266] "#' </footer>" #> [267] "#' </div>" #> [268] "" #> [269] "#' " #> [270] "" #> [271] "#' </body>" #> [272] "#' </html>" #> [273] ""