Plot a dataframe, multiple ys against one x
dfplot(x, y, add = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", myaxes = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, mycol = NULL, mytype = "l", mypch = 20, mycex = 1, mylty = NULL, lwd = 1, xerror = NULL, yerror = NULL, mycolerrorbar = NULL, mylegend = NULL, mylegendcol = mycol, mylegendcex = 1, legendpos = "top")
x | a vector |
y | a vector or a dataframe with the same length as x |
add | logical, whether to add this plot to the previous one |
xlab | character |
ylab | character |
myaxes | logical, whether to display axes automatically |
xlim | numeric |
ylim | numeric |
mycol | colours |
mytype | character |
mypch | numeric or character |
mycex | numeric |
mylty | numeric |
lwd | numeric |
xerror | errorbar, same dimension of x |
yerror | same dimension of y |
mycolerrorbar | error bar colours |
mylegend | character |
mylegendcol | colors |
mylegendcex | numeric |
legendpos | character |
a figure
x <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 100) y <- data.frame(sin(x), cos(x)) yerror <- data.frame(abs(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3)), abs(rnorm(100, sd = 0.1))) dfplot(x, y, yerror = yerror)