Non-linear Regression

Dr. Peng Zhao (✉

Department of Health and Environmental Sciences
Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

1 Learning objectives

  1. Understand what is non-linear regression
  2. Understand how non-linear regression is performed
  3. Evaluate non-linear regression models
  4. Choose possible non-linear models

2 Principle

2.1 Definition

Non-linear regression:

A model for the relationship between the dependent variable(s) and the independent variable(s) is not linear but a curve

Two categories:

1. One that can be transformed into a linear model

2. One that cannot be transformed into a linear model


  1. \(y = a + be^x\): Set \(x' = e^x\), then \(y = a + bx'\).
  2. \(y = a + b_1 x + b_2 x^2 +...+ b_m x^m\): Set \(x_{i}=x^i,i=1,2,...,m\), then \(y=a+b_{1}x_{1}+b_{2}x_{2}+...+b_{m}x_{m}\)
  3. \(y=ae^{bx}\): Set \(log(y)=log(a)+bx\) and \(y'=log(y)\), then \(y'=log(a)+bx\).
  4. \(z=a+be^{xy}\): cannot be transformed into linear.
Name Equation
Asymptotic functions
Michaelis-Menten \(y=\frac{a x}{b+cx}\) or \(y=\frac{a x}{b+x}\) or…
2-parameter asymptotic exponential \(y=a\left(1-\mathrm{e}^{-b x}\right)\)
3-parameter asymptotic exponential \(y=a-b \mathrm{e}^{-c x}\)
S-shaped functions
2-parameter logistic \(y=\frac{\mathrm{e}^{a+b x}}{1+\mathrm{e}^{a+b x}}\)
3-parameter logistic \(y=\frac{a}{1+b \mathrm{e}^{-c x}}\)
4-parameter logistic \(y=a+\frac{b-a}{1+\mathrm{e}^{(c-x) / d}}\)
Weibull \(y=a-b \mathrm{e}^{-\left(c x^d\right)}\)
Gompertz \(y=a \mathrm{e}^{-b \mathrm{e}^{-c x}}\)
Humped curves
Ricker curve \(y=a x \mathrm{e}^{-b x}\)
First-order compartment \(y=k \exp (-\exp (a) x)-\exp (-\exp (b) x)\)
Bell-shaped \(y=a \exp \left(-|b x|^2\right)\)
Biexponential \(y=a \mathrm{e}^{b x}-c \mathrm{e}^{-d x}\)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
curve(x/(1+x), 0, 10)
curve(1 - exp(-x), -100, -90)
curve(exp(x)/(1+exp(x)), -5, 5)
curve(x * exp(x), 95, 100)

2.2 Model

\[y_{i}=f(x_{i}, \theta)+\varepsilon_{i}, i=1,2,...,n\]

  • \(y_{i}\): The response variable.
  • \(x_{i}=(x_{i1},x_{i2},...,x_{ik})'\): The explanatory variable.
  • \(\theta=(\theta_{0},\theta_{1},...\theta_{p})'\): Unknown parameter vector.
  • \(\varepsilon_{i}\): Random error term.


  • \(E(\varepsilon_{i})=0,i=1,2,...,n\): The mean value of random error term is 0
  • \(cor(\varepsilon_{i},\varepsilon_{j})=0,i,j=1,2,...,n\), where \(i\neq j\): No correlation.
  • \(cov(\varepsilon_{i},\varepsilon_{j})=\sigma^2, i,j=1,2,...,n\), where \(i=j\): Equal variance
  • The explanatory variable is non-random variable
  • \(f(x_{i},\theta)\) is assumed to be a continuous differentiable function

2.3 Methods

Non-linear least squares (NLS):

\[Q(\theta)=\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i}-f(x_{i},\theta))^2\] For the minimal \(Q(\theta)\):

\[\frac{\partial Q}{\partial \theta_{j}}=-2\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_{i}-f(x_{i},\theta))\frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta_{j}}=0\]

Partial coefficient of determination: Measure the fitting of non-linear regression model.


3 Workflow

3.1 Data

Reaction rate ~ concentration

dtf <- read.table("data/mm.txt", header = TRUE)
ggplot(dtf) + geom_point(aes(conc, rate))

3.2 Fit the Model

Michaelis-Menten model \(y=\frac{a x}{b+x}\):

  • Biochemistry: the relationship between the reaction rate and the substrate concentration
  • Ecology: (Holling’s disc equation) the relationship between the feeding rate of predator and the prey density.


  1. The curve passes through the origin.
  2. Rising rate of the curve diminishes with the increasing of x.
  3. Function has an asymptote \(y = a\).
  4. \(y = a/2\) when \(x = b\).
m1 <- nls(rate ~ a * conc / (b + conc), data = dtf, start = list(a = 200, b = 0.03))

\[r = \frac{212.7c}{0.06412+c}\]

3-parameter asymptotic exponential model \(y=a-b \mathrm{e}^{-c x}\):

m2 <- nls(rate ~ a - b * exp(-c * conc), data = dtf, start = list(a = 200, b = 150, c = 5))

\[r = 201 - 153 e^{-6.38c}\]

xv <- seq(0, 1.2, .01)
y1 <- predict(m1, list(conc = xv))
y2 <- predict(m2, list(conc = xv))
dtf_predicted <- data.frame(xv, y1, y2)
ggplot(dtf) + 
  geom_point(aes(conc, rate)) +
  geom_line(aes(xv, y1), data = dtf_predicted, color = 'blue') + 
  geom_line(aes(xv, y2), data = dtf_predicted, color = 'red')

Partial coefficient of determination:

\[ R^{2}=1-\frac{SSE}{SST} \]

calc_R2 <- function(model) {
  ms <- summary(model)
  sse <- as.vector((ms[[3]])^2 * ms$df[2])
  null <- lm(dtf$rate ~ 1)
  sst <- as.vector(unlist(summary.aov(null)[[1]][2]))
  1 - sse/sst

[1] 0.9612608
[1] 0.9672987

3.3 Results

The Michaelis-Menten model can explain 96.1% of the total variation in the reaction rate, while the 3-parameter asymptotic exponential model can explain 96.4%.

3.4 Automatic starting values

m3 <- nls(rate ~ SSmicmen(conc, a, b), data = dtf)

m4 <- nls(rate ~ SSasympOff(conc, a, b, c), data = dtf)
Function Model
SSasymp() asymptotic regression model
SSasympOff() asymptotic regression model with an offset
SSasympOrig() asymptotic regression model through the origin
SSbiexp() biexponential model
SSfol() first-order compartment model
SSfpl() four-parameter logistic model
SSgompertz() Gompertz growth model
SSlogis() logistic model
SSmicmen() Michaelis–Menten model
SSweibull() Weibull growth curve model

4 Further readings