
[XJTLU HES Workshop] Git: a Collabration Platform

ES354, South Campus of XJTLU

XJTLU Library Workshop: Modern Statistical Graphs with R

ES211, South Campus of XJTLU

PhD studentship, Environmental Science (Full-time)

Right here waiting for you.

Friday Salon @ HES XJTLU

Begun, the Friday Salon has! At the Department of Health and Environmental Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University.

An open-access data website for novel coronavirus data

Biomet alumni

Advection campaign at Torgnon started

Farewell to Innsbruck

Two Achievements by R bookdown

Looks like Genesis.

Meanings of country names in Chinese

Susan, a friend of mine, comes from Germany. One day, she asked me,excitedly: ‘I heard that Germany in Chinese means a Land of Virtue. Is that true?’