


Arduino 是一款便捷灵活、方便上手的开源电子原型平台,包含硬件(各种型号的Arduino板)和软件(Arduino IDE),适用于艺术家、设计师、爱好者和对于“互动”有兴趣的朋友们。Arduino能通过各种各样的传感器来感知环境,通过控制灯光、马达和其他的装置来反馈、影响环境。

读起来如果感觉不知所云,请看插图三件物品(3 pieces)的实拍,中间那个就是我现在玩的型号为 MEGA2560 的Arduino板子。左边的是配套用的数据采集器,右边信用卡大小的蓝色卡片是来对比以展示尺寸的。Arduino的确比拖拉机小多了,40欧元左右。

enter image description here








//variable declaration

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: 



if (a == b) {

while (millis() < 5000) {
}  //可以用在setup{},完成一些初始操作。

   switch (var) {
    case 1:
      //do something when var equals 1
      break;//break is used to exit from a do, for, or while loop, bypassing the normal loop condition. It is also used to exit from a switch statement.
    case 2:
      //do something when var equals 2
      // if nothing else matches, do the default
      // default is optional


for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {

Data types

const int i = 1;
float j = 2.2;
long k = 0;
int ledState = LOW;
int redPin = A0;
int noteDurations[] = {
 4, 8, 8, 4,4,4,4,4 };
byte n;
char inChar; //single character
String inputString = "";  
int pixels[8][8];  
stringOne.toInt() //convert the string stringOne into integer
String() // convert a variable into a string object.
stringOne =  String('a');          // converting a constant char into a String
String stringTwo =  String("This is a string");  //  converting a constant string into a String object:
stringOne =  String(13);
stringOne =  String(45, HEX);
stringOne =  String(255, BIN); 
stringOne =  String(millis(), DEC);

Initialize hardware

pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // initial pin 13 as output
pinMode(2, INPUT); // initial pin 2 as input
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); ////configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor
Serial.begin(9600); // initial serial port to PC

Play with hardware

Digital pins

digitalWrite(13, HIGH); // turn on pin 13 (LED)
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn off pin 13 (LED)
digitalRead(13); // read on pin 13. value HIGH/LOW (1/0).

Analog pins

x = analogRead(A0); // read on pin A0. ranged 0 - 1023.
analogWrite(9, 255); // change the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation, ranged 0 - 255) value of pin 9 as 255 

Serial pins

int x = Serial.read();
Serial.println(2, DEC); // print "2" via serial port in decimal format. 
Serial.println(stringOne);  // prints  "Sensor "

Serial.print("number of button pushes:  ");
while (Serial.available() > 0) { 
//check to see if there is any data in the serial buffer. It will run as long as there is information waiting to be read.
Serial.parseInt() //locate values separated by a non-alphanumeric character
//send a byte to establish contact until receiver responds 
void establishContact() {
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    Serial.print('A');   // send a capital A
void establishContact() {
  while (Serial.available() <= 0) {
    Serial.println("0,0,0");   // send an initial string
while (!Serial) {
; // wait for serial port to connect
  SerialEvent occurs whenever a new data comes in the
 hardware serial RX.  This routine is run between each
 time loop() runs, so using delay inside loop can delay
 response.  Multiple bytes of data may be available.
void serialEvent() {
  while (Serial.available()) {
    // get the new byte:
    char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); 
    // add it to the inputString:
    inputString += inChar;
    // if the incoming character is a newline, set a flag
    // so the main loop can do something about it:
    if (inChar == '\n') {
      stringComplete = true;


tone(); // connected to a piezo buzzer or other speaker to play tones.

Time control

delay(1000); // wait for 1000 miliseconds
millis(); // returns the time since the current program is started.


% modulo 整除的余数。
x = map(value, fromLow, fromHigh, toLow, toHigh) //线性转换。把某个范围内的一个数值转换成另外一个范围内的数值,integer。
logical: ==, !=, &&(and), ||(or), !(not)
x = constrain(x, a, b) // return x if x is a - b, a if x < a, b if x > b


'\n' //enter
inputString.reserve(200);    // reserve 200 bytes for the inputString


nputString += inChar;

  stringThree =  stringOne + 123; // adding a constant integer to a string:
  stringThree = stringOne + 123456789;
  stringThree =  stringOne + 'A';
  stringThree =  stringOne +  "abc";
  stringThree = stringOne + stringTwo;
  stringOne += stringTwo;
  stringTwo.concat(millis()); // using concat() to add a long variable to a string

changing letters to lower or upper case


search and replace

  colonPosition = reportString.indexOf(':');  // return the position of ':' in the string reportString. can also search for a string
  colonPosition = reportString.indexOf(':', 5); //search ':' from the 5th character
  colonPosition = reportString.lastIndexOf(':'); //search the last ':'
  reportString.charAt(15); //return the 15th character in reprotString
  reportString.substring(5); //return a string from the 5th character to the last character of reportString
  reportString.substring(5, 8); //return a string from the 5th character to the 8th      
  reportString.setCharAt(colonPosition, '='); //replace the colonPosition-th character in reportString with '='
  reportString.replace(':', '=');
  reportString.startsWith("HTTP/1.1"); //returns true or false
  reportString.startsWith("HTTP/1.1", 5); //starts at the 5th character. stringOne.substring(5) == "HTTP/1.1"

length and trim

  reportString.length();//length of a String
  reportString.trim(); // returns a version of the String with any leading and trailing whitespace removed. Whitespace refers to characters that take space but aren't seen. It includes the single space (ASCII 32), tab (ASCII 9), vertical tab (ASCII 11), form feed (ASCII 12), carriage return (ASCII 13), or newline (ASCII 10). 

compare strings. >, <.

  stringOne == stringTwo
  stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) // returns a negative value if stringOne comes first in alphanumeric order, and a positive value if stringTwo does.

In order to avoid unexpected results, initialize the strings before concatenation (http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/StringAdditionOperator) as follows.

 stringThree = String ();

useful codes

 // This loop loops forever and does nothing. See http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ASCIITable
    while(true) { 

confusing stuff

write() vs print():

write() writes binary data. This data is sent as a byte or series of bytes; to send the characters representing the digits of a number use the print() function instead.


println() prints data as human-readable ASCII text followed by a carriage return character (ASCII 13, or ‘\r’) and a newline character (ASCII 10, or ‘\n’).

Serial.print("number of button pushes:  ");
Serial.println("number of button pushes:  ");

important examples:


An analogy would be warming up a pizza in your microwave, and also waiting some important email. You put the pizza in the microwave and set it for 10 minutes. The analogy to using delay() would be to sit in front of the microwave watching the timer count down from 10 minutes until the timer reaches zero. If the important email arrives during this time you will miss it. (Blink Without Delay)


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